
VNT School

We are the vnt/school, the Venturus Corporate University, one of the largest innovation institutes in Brazil.

We promote the training and development of the technical skills of professionals in the area. Propagating knowledge and the advancement of technology is our mission.

homens sentados em cadeiras em frente a uma tela de projetor


We are always searching for knowledge

homem sentado em uma mesa com dois monitores


We are the authors of exclusive technology solutions

alguém está trabalhando em um pequeno dispositivo eletrônico com uma solda


We deliver results with quality and excellence


TIC em trilhas

/TIC em trilhas

Choose your track and start studying now with free training prepared by professionals from renowned institutions that will transform your career.

Learn more
Open Admissions

Our Story

O vnt/school nasceu de um dos principais valores do Venturus: aprendizado constante.

Existimos para dar oportunidade de conhecimento a quem deseja ingressar no mercado de trabalho de tecnologia, e para alavancar o potencial de quem já está na área, sempre por meio de treinamentos técnicos que agregam de forma positiva a formação dos profissionais.

Nossa marca é conduzida por quatro direcionadores fundamentais para o processo de aprendizagem:


Be curious to learn new things.


Continuously developing


Having the ability to acquire some type of knowledge


Constantly practice learning.

/What people say:

Éderson Barreto
/Éderson Barreto
Programming and Java for People with Disabilities

“At the age of 37, I decided to pursue a dream: to change my career and work as a developer. I was studying Technology in Analysis and Systems Development and realized that college wouldn't provide me with the skills demanded by the market.

When the opportunity arose to participate in a special program from vnt/school for people with disabilities, I was impressed by the quality of the course and teaching materials. The teachers are amazing and show an admirable concern for accessibility. All of this, combined with my personal dedication, prepared me to compete for a developer position at the largest bank in Brazil, with over 10,000 applicants, and still be approved before the program even ended!

In the end, there was nostalgia, gratitude to my colleagues and everyone involved, and admiration for Venturus for the initiative to generate social impact through education.”

Jaqueline Bruzasco
/Jaqueline Bruzasco
Android training

“These were months of continuous studies that completely changed the way of looking at the Android operating system.

At the end of the course I can say that I have never been more certain that I'm on the right path for the much desired career change. I would like to thank the teachers, tutors, and the entire Venturus team for the opportunity to participate in this specialization.”

Marcos Scarpim
/Marcos Scarpim

“The VNT/Summit was a technology event with simultaneous lectures from several Ventureiros!

It was a very important moment of integration, given that since the pandemic most people have been working remotely. We had very cool lectures on the most varied topics: internal projects, quantum computing, machine learning, metaverse, and many others.

I also had the opportunity to present my lecture on Mobile Development and, despite the butterflies in my stomach to present something in person again, everything went well and it was a very good experience for me!”

/Meet our team:

Camila Bertazonni
Corporate Education Analyst
Cynthia Pedroso
People and Culture Manager
Isabella Costa
Corporate Education Analyst
Marcelo Abreu
Marcelo Abreu
Priscila Barbosa
Corporate Education Manager
Raissa da Silva
Corporate Education Analyst
Contact us or schedule a visit by e-mail