Venturus website terms of use

Last update: December 15, 2022

1.1 On this page are the terms of use (“Terms”), a document listing the main rules you must observe before using our website. It is available through the link by Venturus (“Venturus”).

As a condition of access to and use of the website’s features, you declare having completely and carefully read the rules of this document, being fully aware of and in accordance with them.

2.1 Legal age. Access to the website is free for everyone, however, some features in certain environments may require acts performed by persons over 18 (eighteen) years of age, in accordance with current Brazilian legislation.

2.1.1 In these cases, the legal representatives must supervise and represent children and adolescents under the age of 16 (sixteen) years and assist adolescents over the age of 16 (sixteen) years and under the age of 18 (eighteen) years where applicable.

2.1.2 Venturus may refuse, not approve, cancel, or limit any requests if you do not provide correct data.

2.1.3 The same provision will be applicable during the use of the website if fraudulent use is identified, as well as any attempt or violation of these terms or any legislation in force.

2.2 Eligibility. Venturus may change the eligibility criteria for accessing and using the website at any time and in its sole discretion without notice to you or any third party.

3.1 Presentation of the platform. The website and its functionalities are presented to you the way they are available and may undergo constant improvements and updates, forcing Venturus to:

i. Preserve its functionality, with unbroken links and with a layout for usability and navigability, whenever possible;

ii. Display the functionalities in a clear, complete, precise, and sufficient manner so that there is an accurate perception of the operations performed; and

iii. To safeguard, through state-of-the-art technology, the data collected by the functionalities provided.

3.2 Website availability. Venturus will make efforts to maintain the continuous and permanent availability of this website. However, temporary unavailability may eventually occur due to necessary maintenance or even due to a force majeure, such as natural disasters, failures in communication systems and Internet access, or third-party facts that escape its sphere of surveillance and responsibility.

3.2.1 If this occurs, Venturus will do its best to re-establish access to the site as soon as possible, within the technical limitations of its services and third-party services, on which it depends to become online. For this reason, You acknowledge that You shall not be entitled to claim compensation or damages in the event that the website remains unavailable, regardless of the reason.

3.3 Changes. Venturus reserves the right to change this website’s Terms of Use and other established rules and criteria, services provided and data insertion, companies responsible for their intermediation, and anything deemed necessary for the correct functioning of this website and its business.

3.3.1 By continuing to access the site after the changes, which will be published and informed, You agree to the said changes.

3.4 Discontinuity. Venturus may, in accordance with its business objectives, modify or discontinue (temporarily or permanently) the distribution, access, or updating of the site.

4.1 Website's integrity. You agree not to access programming areas of the site, its database, source codes, or any other set of data available in this environment, nor to perform or allow reverse engineering, nor to translate, decompile, copy, modify, reproduce, rent, sublicense, publish, disclose, transmit, lend, distribute, or otherwise improperly dispose of the site's functionalities.

4.2 No mining. It is forbidden to mine software data of this website, of any type or kind, in addition to any other not specified here that acts similarly.

4.3 Functionality. The features that make up the website are offered as tools to support Venturus’ services, not conferring on you any rights over the website or the technological structures that support them.

4.4 Indemnification. In the event of damage to the website or to third parties, you bear all obligations to indemnify the injured individual, assuming the passive role of legal action or administrative procedure and requesting the exclusion of Venturus, and must fully bear the expenses and related procedural costs, leaving Venturus free of losses and burdens.

5.1 Intellectual Property. By accessing the site You declare that will respect all the intellectual property rights of Venturus, including, but not limited to, computer programs, copyrights and industrial property rights over trademarks, patents, domain names, corporate names and industrial designs, possibly deposited or registered in the name of Venturus, as well as all rights relating to third parties that may be, or were, in any way, available on the site, and your violation may result in the payment of compensation for legally established losses and damages.

5.2 Your Data. You are and will continue to be the owner and owner of all data, information, images, messages, videos, audios or any other material that you submit and/or share with us (“Your Data”), and you will be solely responsible for them, and it is solely up to You to respect the intellectual property of third parties, image rights or any other related rights that may affect the information shared.

5.3 Legality of Your Data. Venturus will not be obliged to process or process Your Data if there are reasons to believe that such processing or treatment may impute to Venturus any violation of any applicable law or that the site is being used for any illegal or unlawful purposes.

6.1 Personal Data. Venturus has its own document, called Privacy Policy, which regulates the processing of data collected on the site, being an integral and inseparable part of these Terms of Use and which can be accessed through this link.

6.1.1 Venturus will monitor, by appropriate means, its own compliance with the respective Personal Data protection obligations.

6.2 Logs. Venturus may log all activities performed by you on the website, including identification, device, and connection data used (“logs”).

6.3 Purpose of the Collection. The Records may be used for the purpose of: (i) identifying and serving You (ii) complying with the obligations of these Terms (iii) improving the site; (iv) safeguarding rights and complying with legal and regulatory obligations related to the use of the site; and (v) complying with the obligations of these Terms; (iii) improving the site; (iv) safeguarding rights and complying with legal and regulatory obligations related to the use of the site; and (v) to comply with a court order and/or administrative authority.

7.1 Disclaimer. Notwithstanding other conditions of these Terms, Venturus is not responsible for:

i. For any problems, bugs, glitches, or malfunctions that occur on your devices and equipment and are directly or indirectly resulting from regular use of the site.

ii. For any direct or indirect damage caused by third-party events, for example, but not limited to hacker attacks, system, server, or internet connection failures, including software actions that may, in any way, damage physical or logical assets or your connection as a result of accessing, using, or browsing the site.

iii. By browsing the links to third-party services that may be available on the site, and it is your duty to read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the service accessed.

iv. For verifying, controlling, approving, or guaranteeing the appropriateness or accuracy of the information or data provided on such links to third-party services, and are therefore not responsible for losses, losses, or damages incurred as a result of visiting such sites, and it is up to the interested party to verify the reliability of the information and data displayed there before making any decision or performing any act.

v. For the actions taken by You based, directly or indirectly, on the site, your information, data, reports, opinions, suggestions and others, agreeing that you will use the site with good judgment.

7.2 Navigation. You must afford the necessary means to navigate the site, including the possession of adequate equipment for access, as well as hiring a telecommunications service provider to provide an Internet connection.

8.1 Service Channels. You can use the Service Channels available on the site whenever you need to contact us.

8.2 Update to the Terms. These Terms are subject to constant improvement. Thus, Venturus reserves the right to modify them at any time, according to its purpose or convenience, such as for the adaptation and legal compliance of a provision of law or regulation that has equivalent legal force, including regulatory bodies.

8.2.1 If there are updates to these Terms, Venturus will notify You through the tools available on the site or through the means of contact that may be provided by You.

8.3 Innovation and resignation. Tolerance of any non-compliance with any conditions of these Terms will not constitute a waiver or novation nor will it prevent Venturus from requiring these conditions at any time.

8.4 Nullity. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or ineffective, the rest will continue to apply normally.

8.5 Communication. You acknowledge that all communication made by e-mail (to the e-mail address provided by You through the “Contact Us”) is valid, effective and sufficient for the disclosure of any matter that relates to the site.

8.6 Date and time. All records and data storage carried out in the site environment will be made and catalogued based on the official Brasilia time.

8.7 Applicable law and venue. These Terms are governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Its text must be interpreted in Portuguese, and the court of your domicile is elected to settle any dispute involving this document, unless specifically reserved for personal, territorial or functional competence by applicable law.

i. Venturus: Venturus Technological Innovation Center, private association, registered with the CNPJ/MF under number. 96,499,728/0001-89, with headquarters at Estrada Giuseppina Vianelli Di Napoli, No. 1185, GlobalTech Campinas Condominium, Polo II de Alta Tecnologia, Campinas/SP, CEP: 13086-530ii.

ii. Bug: Term used to designate a logical flaw that prevents the execution of an operation.

iii. Service channels: address, email, and phone available on the website through the link for you to contact Venturus.

iv. Glitches: used to designate an unexpected operation that prevents the execution or proper functioning of the intended operation on the website.

v. Layout: Set comprised of the site's appearance, design, and flows.