uma corrente cercada por pontos brilhantes


An ecosystem of specialized solutions, ready to bring more security, scalability, and trust to your operation. Learn more!

Why implement Blockchain in your company

This is a market that should reach US$ 1.4 trillion by 2030, with a wide range of possibilities and sectors to be present.

Blockchain combines immutability, traceability, and resilience for your data and systems, while reducing operating costs. It's the ideal technology for your company in an increasingly competitive market.

Sectors that already use Blockchain




Public Sector



Our solutions

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Our web platform focused on the creation and analysis of smart contracts. With it, it is possible to develop new contracts, pull existing contracts from the network and find vulnerabilities in the code. All in a single tool, with a ready-to-use setup and integrated with AI.

Access EagleAudit for free below. For more customized uses, contact our specialists

Access Eagle Audit

Our web platform focused on the creation and analysis of smart contracts. With it, it is possible to develop new contracts, pull existing contracts from the network and find vulnerabilities in the code. All in a single tool, with a ready-to-use setup and integrated with AI.

Our specialized blockchain services are diverse. We work with ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proofs) to ensure privacy and security of information exchange, node performance analysis to optimize networks, and support for DREX. We deliver tailor-made solutions to meet more specific demands and boost your business.

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See some of main solutions that we've already created:

See all cases
The ideal partner for regulatory challenges in technology
Data Discovery applied to livestock
Driving the Digitalization of the Agricultural Sector
Product Management System
Making Data-Driven Decisions
Smart Water Leak Detection
See all cases

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Podcast: a Era da Cibersegurança
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Saúde: Como a IA Generativa otimiza o Ciclo de Receita do setor
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Talk to a Blockchain Expert

Venturus - Campinas/SP - Brazil
Estrada Giuseppina Vianelli di Napolli, no. 1,185
GlobalTech Campinas Condominium
Polo II High Technology
ZIP CODE 13086-530
Venturus - Manaus/AM - Brazil
Rua Salvador, 440
ZIP CODE 69057-040
Venturus - Atlanta/GA - USA
1201 Peachtree Street NE,
Floors 1, 2 and 3,
Atlanta, Georgia
Zip code 30361
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