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Quantum Computing

Experience the optimizations that this technology can bring to your operation.

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why Quantum Computing?

This is one of the technologies that divide history into before and after, such as electricity or the internet.

In general, Quantum Computing is the technology capable of solving complex problems with much more speed and precision.

For this reason, governments and large companies are investing in solutions and research for Quantum Computing. According to the Boston Consulting Group, this is a market that could reach US$ 170 billion by 2040.

With the potential to transform several sectors, such as:


Explore the Quantum computing with Venturus

High standard machine

Dell server with 4 H100 GPUs from NVIDIA, the first of its kind in Latin America, adding greater simulation power.

Experts in the field

The CDE has specialized professionals to work with Quantum Computing, reducing the time to develop solutions.

Development partners

Partnership with universities, research centers and companies, a robust Quantum Computing ecosystem making it possible to attack more complex problems.

Unlock a future of infinite possibilities

The projects use the creative potential of our specialists together with the possibilities of this technology to prepare your company for a quantum future.

Innovation Finance

Venturus Innovation Finance is a complete ecosystem based on quantum computing, hosted at Microsoft Azure, aimed at the financial market. Among the functionalities are portfolio management, asset price simulation, Risk Analysis, and others.

Quantum Optimization

Quantum Computing allows your business to use new optimization and simulation models. With quantum algorithms it is possible optimize and simulate more complex scenarios, allowing the company to be prepared for a future of new possibilities.

Risk Assessment

The advancement of Quantum Computing will bring problems for cybersecurity. Through it, it will be possible to break some current cryptographic processes and therefore your company needs to be ready now. we We assess the risk of your business, we implement protection measures and we offer continuous monitoring.

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Access hub for Quantum Computers

With the partnerships signed, Venturus is now a hub for accessing some available quantum computers.

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We are part of the initiative Quera Quantum Alliance, an initiative that aims to accelerate the development, deployment, and use of neutral-atom quantum computers. With this, it is possible to:

  • Attend exclusive community events
  • Access QuERA quantum computer technology
  • Have the support of QuERA's team of experts and scientists

Principals partnerships


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Talk to a Quantum Computing expert

Venturus - Campinas/SP - Brazil
Estrada Giuseppina Vianelli di Napolli, no. 1,185
GlobalTech Campinas Condominium
Polo II High Technology
ZIP CODE 13086-530
Venturus - Manaus/AM - Brazil
Rua Salvador, 440
ZIP CODE 69057-040
Venturus - Atlanta/GA - USA
1201 Peachtree Street NE,
Floors 1, 2 and 3,
Atlanta, Georgia
Zip code 30361
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